How to Put Text and Image Side by Side in WordPress
While covering product reviews, comparison tables, tutorials, travel stories, infographics, educational content, etc., you may have to put texts and images side by side. There are numerous ways to do this in WordPress. In this article, we’ll show you several effective ways of how to put text and image side by side in WordPress. So,…
How to Add Amazon Product Boxes in WordPress
Amazon product boxes are designed to feature products available on the Amazon platform in a visually engaging way. They include images, features, descriptions, prices, and direct links so people can buy the products. The main purpose of this box is to inform customers about the product’s features and benefits at a glance and excite them…
How to Show Process Steps in WordPress
As we have repeatedly said in many of our blog posts, Tableberg is a versatile plugin. It’s not only a table-builder plugin; you can also use it for multipurpose web design projects. For example, feature boxes, call-to-action sections, infographics, step-by-step processes, and more. In this tutorial post, we’ll show you how to show process steps…
How to Add Feature Boxes in WordPress
A feature box is a designed area on a web page that draws attention to specific content, products, and services. Feature boxes are designed with elements like images, icons, concise text, and buttons. Tableberg is a multipurpose table-builder plugin. It can help you create wonderful layouts for your feature boxes. In this tutorial post, we’ll…
How to Add Icon Boxes in WordPress
An icon box typically consists of a small graphic that is paired with a short piece of text. Using icon boxes, you can highlight things like key features, services, benefits, and offers in visually captivating and meaningful ways. You can also use icon boxes to showcase testimonials, call to action, process steps, and more. Tableberg…
How to Add Service Boxes in WordPress
Services boxes are often known as feature boxes. They are used to highlight the key services your product and businesses offer. Service boxes often include images, icons, headings, and brief descriptions to make them meaningful Although Tableberg is a table builder plugin, you can use it for various web design projects, such as appealing service…
Come formattare le tabelle in WordPress
Formatting a table in WordPress means creating and stylizing a table in such a way that it becomes easy to present data within the table comfortably and display it on web posts and pages. It helps you enhance the clarity and readability of your content. WordPress offers a built-in table block. But you can create…
Come aggiungere un elenco di icone in WordPress
Un elenco di icone è un insieme di elementi visivi visualizzati in un formato a elenco. Si utilizzano in vari contesti per migliorare l'aspetto visivo e la leggibilità dei post e dei contenuti delle pagine del blog. Gli elenchi di icone sono utilizzati soprattutto per mostrare le caratteristiche dei prodotti, i punti chiave, i vantaggi, ecc. Suddividono le...
Come cambiare il colore del bordo della tabella in WordPress
I bordi delle tabelle si riferiscono alle linee che circondano e separano le celle di una tabella. Per impostazione predefinita, WordPress aggiunge un colore di bordo standard alle tabelle. Ma a seconda del vostro design web, potreste voler cambiare il colore del bordo della tabella. Ma come si fa a cambiarlo? Per aiutarvi, in questo post del blog vi...
Come visualizzare le immagini di WordPress in colonne e righe
Non è più un segreto che i contenuti visivi, come le immagini, svolgano un ruolo potente nel trasmettere concetti e narrazioni. I contenuti testuali da soli spesso non riescono a catturare i lettori. Ecco perché incorporare immagini pertinenti nei post e nelle pagine dei blog è diventato obbligatorio. WordPress consente di aggiungere immagini al proprio sito in numerosi modi. Uno...