Come modificare il colore del testo in una tabella

By changing text color in a table, you can draw people’s attention to specific data points and categories. This can make your particular information stand out and improve readability.

This guide will explain to you how to change the text color in a table.

Step 01: Select a Text #

Using your cursor, select the text whose color you want to change.

Select a text to change its color

Step 02: Change the Text Color #

Andare alla scheda Stili while keeping the text selected. Click the Text option under the Color section.

The color box will open up. Click on the color box.

Go to the Text Color Option

Now, select the color you want to set for the text. You can see the text color changes real time.

Select a color

Thus, you can change the table text color in WordPress.

Change the table text color

Step 03: Change the Global Font Color #

The global font color refers to the default color that is applied throughout all the texts on a web page or document.

To set the global font color, select the entire table by clicking the Tableberg icon on the toolbar.

Select the entire table

Andare alla scheda Stili nella barra laterale destra.

Andare alla scheda Stili

By scrolling down the tab, come to the Global Font Style section. Then, click Font Color.

Come to the Global Font Color option

Select the color you love. You’ll see the color is applied over all the texts on the table.

Select the color you love

Conclusione #

Changing the global font color is beneficial when you want to apply a consistent color scheme to all your texts. This is useful in maintaining brand identity. On the flip side, changing specific text color is important in highlighting important details and information.

Hope you can now do both of them following this post. Before moving away, spare two minutes to visit this guide on how to change the border color of individual table columns.

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Updated on Agosto 10, 2024