Often, you may want to keep some of your table cells empty. Many people want to do this by simply removing the text. But in this case, the table cell borders remain intact. The Tableberg plugin helps overcome this limitation.
With this plugin, you can create empty and transparent cells like the below image.
Let’s see, how to do it.
Stap 01: Selecteer een cel #
Selecteer een cel by clicking on its border that you want to make empty.
Step 02: Use the Empty Cell Option #
Onder de Tabblad Instellingen on the right sidebar, you’ll get the [PRO] Empty Cell option. Toggle on Empty Cell.
Do the same for another call you want to make empty.
Step 03: Preview the Table #
Go to the preview page. You’ll see the cells have been empty.
Conclusie #
Thus, you can make your particular table cells empty. Explore how to change the table column width.