كتلة الفاصل – دليل الاستخدام والنظرة العامة

Adding a visual break between two content sections is imminent to improve the readability of a website and its design. The Separator Block in WordPress is a simple block that lets you achieve this.

It is also a great way to divide content for better content structure or add a stylistic element to your page. It is a go-to tool for all types of users to visually display their content in a more organized way.

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مع محرر الكتل

How to Use the Separator Block in WordPress?

Like every other core WordPress block, the Separator Block is easy to use. Follow the tutorial and master using this block.

Step 1: Insert the Separator Block

Select and edit the post where you want to insert the separator block. Now, click the “+” (إضافة كتلة) icon (1)، يكتب "فاصل"في مربع البحث" (2), and click the “Separator” (3).

How to use the separator block in WordPress

After clicking the separator, it will be inserted into the editor.

Step 2: Style the Separator

Based on your website’s theme, the Separator block can appear as a small straight line or as wide.

If it is a small line, you can make it wide simply by choosing the wide line. To do so, you must select the block and navigate to Settings (1 ) > Block (2) > Style (3) > Wide Line (4).

You can make your separator appear like dots, too. In that case, you have to select the Dots option.

The Separator block also allows you to change the background color of the separator.

Finally, you can add margins to your separator.

The Styling option is optional; it is up to you to customize the separator block.

Remember that you must publish or save the post or page before exiting to save your changes.

Learn More about the WordPress Separator Block

Want to learn details about the Separator block? Surf through the accordions below. It contains all the details about the block.

What is the Separator Block?

What are the Key Features of the Separator Block?

What are the Toolbar Features of the Separator Block?

الأفكار النهائية!

The Separator block is a straightforward and robust tool to make your content layout appealing. You can experiment with its styles and settings to find what works best for your site’s aesthetic.

I hope the tutorial is easy to follow. If you’ve faced any issues following the tutorial, let me know in the comment section below. I would love to help you.

Also, share this post on your social media and let others know about it.

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