Leerzeichen zwischen Spalten hinzufügen

By adding space between columns in a table, you can improve the readability of your content. It helps all the columns be individually identifiable so data can be presented in a more organized way.

This documentation post will show you how to add space between columns on your table with Tableberg.

Step 01: Select the Table #

Select the entire table by clicking the Tableberg icon on the toolbar.

Select the Table

Step 02: Add Space Between Columns #

After the entire table is selected, zur Registerkarte "Stile" gehen in der rechten Seitenleiste.

Gehen Sie zur Registerkarte "Stile

By scrolling down the tab, come to the Cell Spacing option.

Come to Cell Space

There are two options under Cell Spacing. The second one is for column spacing. By dragging the scale of the option, you can add spaces between columns of the table.

You can see spaces have been added between the columns of the table.

Space added to the table

Schlussfolgerung #

Hope you can now add spaces between your table columns following this guide. Before leaving this post, you can explore a new guide on how to change the background color of individual columns of a table in WordPress.

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Updated on August 10, 2024
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