So ändern Sie die Hintergrundfarbe einzelner Zellen

Changing the background color of a single cell can be helpful in drawing users’ attention to specific information and highlighting important data. You can do it easily with the Tischberg Plugin.

Let’s check how to change single cell background color in this documentation post.

Step 01: Select a Cell #

First, you have to select a cell. Click on the border of the cell you want to select. The cell will be selected.

Select a cell

Step 02: Go to the Cell Background Option #

After the cell is selected, zur Registerkarte "Stile" gehen on the right sidebar. You’ll find the Cell Background option under the tab. Klicken Sie auf die Cell Background option.

Go to the Cell Background Option

Clicking the Cell Background will open up the color box. Select a color you like from the color box. The color will be applied on the background of the cell.

Select a color for the background

Thus, you can change the background color of your table cells individually.

Schlussfolgerung #

By changing the single cell background color, you can create a visual contrast and make the particular cell standout from the rest. This strategy can be helpful when presenting large datasets or complex spreadsheets.

Before leaving this post, you may explore our another documentation on wie man Zellen in einer Tabelle zusammenführt.

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Updated on August 3, 2024
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