Cómo añadir espacio entre filas

Adding space between rows can save your table from appearing cluttered and overwhelmed. It can make your table look cleaner so readers can easily scan and read content within it.

This documentation will guide you on how to add space between rows in WordPress with the Tableber plugin.

Step 01: Select the Entire Table #

Select the entire table by clicking the Tableberg icon on the toolbar.

Seleccionar toda la tabla

Step 02: Add Space Between Rows of the Table #

Once the table is selected, go to the Styles tab en la barra lateral derecha.

Add Space Between Rows of the Table

Desplazándose hacia abajo por la pestaña, come to the Cell Spacing option.

Come to Cell Spacing

You’ll see two options under Cell Spacing. By using the first option, you can add space between rows sobre la mesa.

Add space between the table rows

Conclusión #

Adding space between rows can enhance the presentation and usability of tabular data. Hope you can now add space between your table rows and enjoy an aesthetic beauty. Check how to add space between columns in a table.

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Actualizado el 10 de agosto de 2024