How to Add Icon Boxes in WordPress

How to Add Icon Boxes in WordPress Website

An icon box typically consists of a small graphic that is paired with a short piece of text. Using icon boxes, you can highlight things like key features, services, benefits, and offers in visually captivating and meaningful ways.

You can also use icon boxes to showcase testimonials, call to action, process steps, and more. Tableberg is a versatile table builder plugin. You can create gorgeous and engaging icon boxes easily with the plugin.

In the following parts of this article, we’ll explain to you how to add icon boxes in WordPress with the plugin. Get the plugin by clicking the links below.

Créer de belles tables
Avec l'éditeur de blocs

Step 01: Add the Tableberg Block to the Editor

Ajouter le Bloc Tableberg to your editor as you would any Gutenberg block.

Add the Tableberg Block to the Editor

Set the number of rows and columns according to the number of icon boxes you want to create.

For example, in this tutorial, we’ll create three icon boxes. So, we’ll set 3 columns and 1 row.

Set the number of rows and columns

You can see the number of boxes that have been created. Next, we’ll add content to create icon boxes.

Rows and columns selected for designing Icon Boxes

Step 02: Add an Icon to a Box/Cell

Tableber allows you to add various elements to its cells by which you can make the table cells super attractive. We’ll explain them in this section.

Add a Background Color to the Cells

Sélectionnez l'ensemble du tableau en clicking les Icône Tableberg dans la barre d'outils. Ensuite, allez dans la section Onglet Styles. Under the tab, you’ll see the color options. Using the suitable option, set a background for the table cells.

Remarque : You must set the background color at the beginning as all the table box elements will be designed based on it.

Add a Background Color to the Cells

Add an Icon to a Box/Cell

You can add blocks inside the table cells like the Gutenberg block editor. Cliquez sur l'icône plus (+) on a cell. Find and add the Bloc d'icônes à la cellule.

Add an Icon to a Box/Cell

Change and Select an Icon

Aller à la page Onglet Paramètres on the right sidebar while keeping the Icon block selected. Under this tab, you’ll get options to increase the icon size, set rotation, and change the icon.

Change and Select an Icon

You may select an icon from the existing icon library or import one from your local drive.

Select an icon

Colorize the Icon

Aller à la page Onglet Styles. Set the Icon color and the Background color.

Indeed, the background color layout doesn’t look good, right? We have got you covered.

Colorize the Icon

Scroll down a bit below the Styles tab. You’ll see the padding, margin, et rayon options.

You can create a layout for the background color by placing suitable values, as in the image below.

Change the background color layout

Step 03: Add Text to the Cell/Box

No icon box is meaningful without text content. Ajouter le bloc Paragraphe below the icon on the cell.

Add the Paragraph block to the Icon box

Add a title about the icon box. Next, align it centrally, select a color, and set a size for the text.

Add text to the icon box

Similarly, add a description of the icon box using the Bloc de paragraphes.

Add a description about the Icon box

Step 04: Add a Button to the Cell/Box

You can direct users to another page, documentation, or resource by adding a button. Add the Bloc de boutons à la cellule.

Add a Button to the Cell

After adding the button, add a CTA copy, change its text and background color, and increase the copy size.

Customize the CTA button

Step 05: Add Spaces Between the Blocks

The cell looks congested, right? It’s because there isn’t enough space between the blocks in the cell. But you can easily solve this problem.

Select the entire cell. Aller à l'adresse Onglet Styles. Scroll down a bit below.

You’ll get Cell Padding et Block Spacing options. Using these options, you can create necessary spaces between these blocks.

Add Spaces Between the Blocks

So, your one icon box is ready.

Step 06: Duplicate the Icon Box

You can manually create other icon boxes in the same way, or you can duplicate the box. Tableberg has an exciting feature for duplicate rows and columns.

Cliquez sur le bouton [Pro] Edit Table option on the toolbar. The rest you can do yourself. For a detailed guide, explore this post on how to add service boxes in WordPress. We have explained how to use this feature at the later part of this post.

Duplicate the Icon Box

You can see in the image below that we have duplicated the icon box and changed its content.

Icon boxes duplicated

Step 07: Add Spaces Between the Cells

Aller à la page Onglet Styles. Scroll down to Cell Spacing. This option allows you to add space between the cells, as in the image below.

Add Spaces Between the Cells

Step 08: Remove the Cell Border

Under the Styles tab, you’ll see the Table Border et Inner Border options. Set the border value to 0 in both places. This will remove borders from the cells.

Remove the Cell Border

Thus, you can create an icon box in WordPress.

Closing Up!

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add and customize icon boxes to align with your brand and effectively highlight key information.

Before moving away, have a few more minutes to learn how to format tables in WordPress.

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