Buttons are a powerful web element that can trigger users to complete various actions. By adding buttons to tables, you can motivate users to explore and buy your products.
テーブルバーグ is a wonderful table-builder plugin by which you can create and add buttons to your tables. Let’s have a tour on how to add buttons to WordPress Tables
Step 01: Select the Cell Where You Want to Add the Button #
Select the cell where you want to add a button by placing your cursor on it.

Step 02: Add the Button Block to the Table #
Click the Gutenberg プラス(+)アイコン.を見ることができる。 ボタンブロック.
Add it to the table by clicking it.

Step 03: Add a CTA Copy to the Button #
A CTA copy is a must for every button. Add your CTA copy to the button.
You can change the button position using the Alignment option from the toolbar. Next, you can increase its width from Width settings on the right sidebar.

Step 04: Stylize the Button #
に来てほしい。 スタイルタブ. From here, you can change the button text color, background color, hover color, typography, and dimensions. Hope you can do the changes yourself.

Step 05: Add a Destination Link to the Button #
をクリックする。 Link option on the toolbar. It will open up a box where you will be able to add a destination link. Copy-paste your desired post or page link to the box.

Thus, you can add CTA buttons to your WordPress tables. To learn more, explore this post on how to add ‘Buy on Amazon’ buttons in a WordPress table.