How to Use the WordPress Table Block (Gutenberg)

Tables are a combination of rows and columns that help you present information on a website in an organized way. The WordPress Table block provides an intuitive way for anyone to create and customize tables directly within their content editor.

It eliminates the need for coding or relying on any external plugin. This article will provide a quick guide on how to use the WordPress Table block. Keep reading it to the end.

Create Beautiful Tables
With Block Editor

Add the Table Block to Your Post/Page

Open a post or page. Press the Plus (+) icon to open the Gutenberg editor. Type Table in the search box. Hit the Table block once it appears below.

Add the WordPress Table Block to your post/page

After the block is inserted into your post/page, you’ll be allowed to specify the row and column number for the table.

Set the row and column number as you wish and hit the Create Table button at the end. For this article, we’ll select four columns and six rows.

Set the row and column number in the default WordPress table

After the table is created, add your desired information to its respective cells. Below is a table we have created with some dummy information.

Use the Table Toolbar

On top of the table, you’ll get a toolbar with the following options. Hovering your cursor on them will show their names.

  • Group – After you group up the Table block, you can customize its width.
  • Table – Allows for transformation into columns or default styles.
  • Drag – Helps you manually move the block and reposition it.
  • Move Up/Down – Helps to reposition the table before or after another block.
  • Table Alignment – It lets you align the entire table on the post/page.
  • Column Alignment – Aligns content within the respective column.

Hope you can explore the other options yourself.

Use the table toolbar options

Edit Rows and Columns

You can add new rows and columns to the table anytime you want. Similarly, you can delete any specific row and column.

Hit the Edit table option on the toolbar. You’ll see several more options appear in a list. Using them, you can insert new rows and columns alongside deleting the one you want.

Edit rows and columns

Update the Table Settings

Click the Table icon on the toolbar to select the entire table block. You’ll see the Settings tab on the right sidebar.

Below the tab, you’ll get options to enable the Fixed width table cells, Header section, and Footer section.

Update the table settings

Stylize the Table Block

Next to the Settings tab, you get the Styles tab. Under the tab, you’ll get these options: Styles, Color, Typography, Dimensions, and Border. Do the customizations you want to make using these options as you want.

Stylize the table block

Add Inline Images

Place your cursor on the cell where you want to add an inline image. Click the More icon on the toolbar. Select the Inline Image option on the appeared list.

Add inline image

Select the image whether from your local drive or your WordPress Media Library.

Select the inline image

You can see an inline image has been added to a cell in the below image. If the image size is so big, you can make it small by changing its pixel size.

Preview the inline image on your WordPress table


Thus, you can use the WordPress Table block. However, this default Table block has several limitations. You can add usual size images, buttons, and many more elements to the table.

To overcome these issues, you can use any advanced table builder plugin. Tableberg is such a plugin you can try for creating versatile and multipurpose tables with advanced options.

The Tableberg Team