Buttons Block – How to Use & Overview

The Buttons Block is one of the most crucial elements in a WordPress website. The button lets you create important call-to-action buttons to capture your audience’s attention and guide them to take the next step.

It is also used to direct visitors to a product page, sign up for a newsletter, or download online resources. Today, in this guide, we will discuss the button block and how to use the button block in WordPress, as well as provide an overall overview of the plugin.

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How to Use the Buttons Block in WordPress?

Using the Buttons block is super easy. It is a useful tool to boost conversions. All you need to know is how to use it. Make sure to follow the tutorial from start to finish.

Step 1: Insert the WordPress Buttons Block

First, go to your post or page where you want to add the button block.

Click the Plus icon “+” (Add Block) (1), type “Buttons” in the search box (2), and click on the Button block (3).

How to use the buttons block in wordpress

You must insert your button’s name and the link for the button after the button is inserted.

Here, you can also select how your button will work. For instance, you can set the button to open a link on a new page, make it a sponsored link, or mark it as nofollow. After that, you must click on the save button.

Step 2: Customize Your Button

Now, add the width of your button. Navigate to Settings (1 ) > Block (2) > Settings (3) > Settings (4). Select any percentage from the settings to select the width.

To further customize your button, go to the Styles tab. Select any style that suits you the best.

The Style tab has further options to customize your button.

  1. Color: This function lets you change the color of your button’s text and background.
  2. Typography: The typography lets you select fonts & font size, appearance, line height, letter spacing, letter casing, and letter decoration.
  3. Dimensions: Dimensions allow you to adjust padding and margin for your buttons block.
  4. Border: The Border option lets you add border and border radius for your buttons block.

Based on the image above, you already know what can be done using the Typography option. But these functions are hidden by default. Therefore, to display those functions, you must click on the three dots at the top right side and select all the options to display in the editor.

The color option allows you to change the text and background color of your button.

If you want, you can select colors from the color picker too. Go to the button’s background (1), select Color (2), click on the color bar (3), and choose the color with the color picker (4).

Also, you can make a gradient color for your button.

You can also bold and italicize the text of your button from the editor.

Below is a demo of a button that I’ve created for you.

If you want to create better CTA buttons, check out the Ultimate Blocks. It has an incredible collection of over 22+ blocks to enhance your WordPress content and engagement.

After all the modifications, you must save or publish your post or page.

Overview of the Buttons Block

Want to learn details about the Buttons block? Surf through the accordions below. It contains all the details about the block.

What is the Buttons Block in WordPress?

What Are the Key Features of the Button Block?

What are the Toolbar Features of the Buttons Block?

Final Thoughts!

When you are making buttons, be thoughtful about your audience, as the button will make an impact on your visitors.

I hope the tutorial is easy to follow. If you’ve faced any trouble following the guidelines, let me know. I would be happy to help you.

Give it a try and use the buttons block. Master all of its functionality and get the conversions quickly.

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