Categories Block – How to Use it & Overview

Keeping your blog content organized is crucial as it keeps your content structured and easy to navigate. The Categories Block simplifies displaying the post categories anywhere on a post or page.

Today, in this guide, we will walk you through “How to Use the Categories Block” and its overview. Make sure to follow us through.

How to Use Categories Block in WordPress?

Adding this block is super easy. To add this block, you must go to your post or page.

Insert the Categories Block

Click the Plus icon “+” (Add Block) (1), type “Categories” in the search box (2), and click on the Categories block (3).

Remember that the categories will be displayed according to your post category. By default, your post will be put into The category of Uncategorized.

However, you can create unlimited categories and assign one to your post.

Categories Block Customization

No block-related settings are provided for the Categories Block in the Block Settings. But there are plenty of options provided for the Styling.

Go to the Style Tab of the block by clicking the Settings (1) > Block (2) > Styles(3).

Choose between Styles: Pill Shaped and Default.

You can also customize your colors, typography, border, and dimensions.

  1. Color: This function lets you change the color of the text, background, and link of the Latest Posts Block.
  2. Typography: The typography lets you select fonts & font size, appearance, line height, letter spacing, letter casing, and letter decoration.
  3. Dimensions: Dimensions allow you to adjust the margin and padding for your Latest Posts block.

You can add border and border color around your block with a border radius.

Overview of the Block

What is the Categories Block?

What Are the Key Features of the Categories Block?

What are the Toolbar Features of the Categories Block?

Final Thoughts!

Hope the post was informative and helped you learn the options of the WordPress Categories Block.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Also, share this with your friends using your social media.

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The Tableberg Team