How to Create A Table In WordPress (No Plugin Required)

A table is a collection of rows and columns that help organize and display data in a structured format. They allow you to present the most important data clearly and concisely so readers can quickly locate and analyze them without confusion.

Furthermore, tables enable you to maintain a consistent and organized layout for presenting information through a website. Tables are mostly used for covering pricing comparisons, feature listing, event scheduling, and more.

WordPress is a wonderful website builder that brings numerous elements to your fingertips by default. It offers you a default way to create full-fledged tables on your site. Let’s explore how to create a table in WordPress without plugins.

Create Beautiful Tables
With Block Editor

Step 01: Open a Post/Page and Add the Table Block

Go to the post/page where you want to add a table.

Once you’re in the Editor, click on the Plus (+) icon and type Table in the search box. Then click on the Table block to insert it.

Add the Table block to your post or page

Step 2: Specify the Column and Row Number

You’ll get the option to specify the column and row number. Once done, hit the Create Table button.

Specify the column and row number

Now, add content to the table as you do in the normal tables in Microsoft Offices.

Add content to the table

Step 3: Increase or Delete the Existing Table Rows and Columns 

Press the Edit Table option on the toolbar. You’ll get a dropdown list. You can add new rows and columns at specific positions by using respective options from the list. You can also delete existing rows and columns.

Increase or delete the table rows and columns

Other options on the toolbar work similarly to the other Gutenberg blocks.

Come to the Setting option on the right sidebar. You’ll get options to add the header and footer options to the table by toggling on the respective options.

Add a header and footer to the table if you feel it’s necessary.

Add header and footer to the table

Step 5: Stylize the Table

Come to the Styles option on the right sidebar. You’ll get several options, like color, typography, dimensions, and border. 

Implement the necessary customizations you want using these options.

Stylize the table

Thus, you can create a properly functional table using the default Gutenberg table block on WordPress.


Always try to keep your table simple and well-structured. Write the heading clearly and properly descriptive so anyone can understand the data covered in the respective rows and columns. You can bold, colorize, and make some text italic so all the key information is well-highlighted and people can easily catch it.

But if you want to create a more attractive table with more options, you need to use a better table plugin. Because the default will fail to meet your demands. TableBerg is a promising WordPress table plugin you can use in this case.

This plugin will allow you to add blocks like images, buttons, lists, and more within your cells so you can display information in more compelling ways.

The Tableberg Team